020 8964 2549

Relax with us after carnival at the Flamboyan Corner Chill out Zone

Beat the crowds and chill with us after carnival. We are open for food and drinks with a carnival vibe so you can catch your breath for the next after party, or restore your strength for the journey home!

We are celebrating our local carnival club Flamboyan, one of orignial Mas Camps and founders of carnival. Flamboyan is named after the perennial flame tree in Trinidad and their theme this year is the “The fire in we” – it’s all about the flames!

Why not come down early to see their costumes, or grab a T shirt and join in with the float- which leaves around 11.30 am. Flamboyan is on fire – feel the heat!!
After that you can tuck into a fantastic festival feast at Maida Hill Place with Kings Kitchen who are hosting a Carnival extravaganza during both days. At the end of the day come back to celebrate and relax with a drink and some food.

We open for drinks, food and a true carnival vibe from 7.30 pm. See you there!

Sun 30th Aug 2015
19:30 - 23:30
Maida Hill Place
4 Fernhead road
W9 3ET London
Event finished
For more information about this event please email manager@maidahillplace.co.uk

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